Hi folks! We hope you are having a lovely day and if you are not, then perhaps after reading this, your mood might be somewhat lifted.
Don’t ask me why but this week, we had a lot of discussion surrounding the topic of old age. We thought we might share some of it with you and then you can see if it is worthy to be used as our ‘word of the week’.
Now we don’t have many friends and the few that we do have are usually older than us. And being that we are over 100 (combined of course) we have been noticing a lot of the nuances that come with old age and perhaps that is why we have been having conversations about the subject so much especially this week. Guys, some of it is downright funny and we have come to the conclusion that in all this, God does have a sense of humour.
God’s Sense of Humour
On our Youtube channel, we have. a live quiz on Thursdays at 6:00 pm UK time. The quiz can be based on any topic that we fancy. Since old age was the hot topic for discussion during the week, we decided to let it be the topic for the Thursday night quiz. Guys we had a belly full of laughs at some of the questions and subsequent answers! At one point, we could not speak as we were laughing so hard!
Think about this. As men get old, they begin to go bald, and as they continue to get even older, the ‘missing hair’ seems to appear in their noses and ears! Man, that was so funny! It was then that we decided that God must have a sense of humour.
Plans for Old Age
In our plans, we have decided that there are some things that need sorting out sooner rather than later. Some of these things include, will, extra mortgage payments, travel, insurance, extra time (if there is any), attitudes (yes attitudes), and much more. We have also thought about what things we admire in older people and what we don’t admire and would not want to be like.
I would love to have a comfy rocking chair or swing chair and a favourite corner with some books and tv. I did start looking on Amazon too. I came upon this swing chair and I am convinced that they made a mistake with the pricing. It sounds way too cheap to be good but I might give it a try. It says it can take up to 120 kg in weight! What do you think?
What we admire
Some of the things we admire include humour (that’s a must if you know us), a kind spirit along with a willingness to share memories, stories, etc with the younger generation. We also love older folk who are philanthropists. That is not to say that everyone can be, but if they are in a position to, and do, then we find that admirable.
Old people are lovely when they are full of good cheer.
Some older folk have a wealth of information and ‘how to’ about many many things. We think that some crafts for example are dying out with older generations and so if there are older folk who are in a position to share this, then we love that.
I love to see the interaction of older folk with younger ones, especially babies or toddlers. I have noticed a few tik tok videos these days and they are truly endearing to watch. I saw a documentary once too, where a nursery was ‘twinned’ with an old people’s home. Oh! It really did touch my heart and made us think there is so much each generation can learn from the other and also that those two generations have so much in common.
What we Admire Less
When I was younger, I do remember feeling annoyed when older folks would hum tunes that were in their heads and so since I was a child, I was determined not to be one of those. Well! Guess what! I have started to hum things or just burst out a tune that comes into my head. So I have decided that perhaps it’s not so bad after all. I have decided to continue with this trait, not really decided, but I can’t seem to help it.
We don’t too much like miserableness/fussy nature that seems to automatically come with old age and so we have decided that we are not going to be such. It’s a promise we are seriously hoping to keep.
We know that aches and pains will come and heartaches too but we are planning to use humour to get us over those hurdles. Of course, our faith will be mega important at that stage of life and so we know that that too will tide us over when the rough time comes.
Think about these things folks, don’t let it creep up on you. Enjoy life whilst you can and live it to the full.
Thanks again as always to Ann who allows us to share our word of the week with you all by way of this linky.
Have a great week ahead.
And for this first time ever, we are joining with the Mischief and Memories Linky.
I was terrified of reaching 50 it seemed so OLD. But really, age is irrelevant. There are so many more things, like the ones you have discovered that are much more important than a number.
hahaha! It sounds like the quiz was a lot of fun.
That swing chair does look fantastic but the reviews are not so great. Eek! I would love something like that.
Older people are fab! I love that some just have a care free attitude to life. I want to be like that when I’m old x
Kim Carberry recently posted…This week my Word of the Week is: Waiting! #WotW
Lovely reflection about old age and how you think you’d like to be when you get there. I like your list of things you admire and agree with you on the not-so-nice things. I’d like to be like my mum – she’s one of the kindest people I know, still gets out and about each day and makes me chuckle when she tells me about helping the “old people” who live near her – she’s older than several of them, but much younger in her outlook on life. #WotW
I love our elders too! Age is just a number to me. I am in my late forties and my youngest kids are 9 & 5yrs old. I feel like i’m still in my twenties in mind and body. Sending love xx #MischiefandMemories
Great post. I too admire older people who are full of cheer. My paternal grandma, even when she declined both physically and cognitively, hardly ever complained.
Oh, your comment about humming tunes made me chuckle. I can’t stand people humming or singing aloud and am determined not to do it. Then again, I’m only 35 so who knows what will happen when I too get older?
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Hi Jo and Leisa! What a fun post. It’s lovely to have come across your blog on the #mischiefandmemories linky. I had a good giggle about the missing hair on men’s heads turning up in their ears and up their noses. I love a good chair too…. a rocking chair sounds perfect! The swing chair does look fab, but as Kim has said, the reviews look a bit terrible!
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I turned 40 last year and am definitely starting to feel ancient! Well, my brain still feels young but my body certainly doesn’t! Thanks for linking up with #MischiefAndMemories
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