Are you looking to save money on your next big purchases? If so, then it’s a good idea to develop a habit of never paying fully for anything. Even if it’s just a 5% discount, there are probably plenty of ways to avoid paying the full retail price for everything from groceries to smartphones. But how exactly do you find these discounts, and are there other tips that you could use to avoid paying full for something?
In this post, we’ll teach you plenty of penny-pinching tips to help you save money. Also, check out our 101 ways to pinch the pennies here.
Look at buying refurbished goods instead of new ones
If you want to save a serious amount of money on electronics, consider buying refurbished goods instead of new ones. Refurbished allows you to take full advantage of serviced electronics and they’re usually a lot cheaper than the retail price. Many companies such as Apple and Dell offer refurbished electronics such as laptops and phones. These electronics are usually taken in for repairs and new devices are sent to their customers. The broken devices are then repaired to a like-new standard and then sold for a lower price.
Buying refurbished goods is an environmentally-friendly habit too. Many people tend to dispose of their electronics incorrectly, or they’ll upgrade devices and get rid of their older ones. If you’re not looking for the latest electronics and just need something that works, then refurbished goods can be a fantastic option.
Buying used items also works
There are some items that you might want to purchase which can’t really be refurbished. For example, used clothing from a popular brand can’t exactly be refurbished, but it can be cleaned properly so that it’s more presentable. Buying used items is perfectly fine if you’re looking to save money and you could get incredible deals depending on who you buy from.
However, there’s always a higher risk when buying used items. Always take the seller’s reputation into consideration and don’t hesitate to ask them questions about the item to feel more confident about the sale. If needed, you can also use seller protection to return the item and get a refund should it arrive in damaged condition or not as described. Most sellers won’t try to lie to you or scam you, but it’s still something that could potentially happen.
Search for online voucher codes and use deal apps
One of the best ways to save money when purchasing items online is to look for coupons, deals, and vouchers. These are typically given out during promotions, but you might also get them in emails. For instance, many stores tend to give out discount codes when it’s your birthday, or they might have seasonal promotions.
Websites such as Net Voucher Codes are a great place to start if you’re looking for coupons, discounts, and other various deals. You could also try signing up for newsletters for your favourite online retailers, and you can also use various apps that offer rotating deals on popular stores. Voucher codes are often percentage-based discounts, but you might also find flat deals that offer a set amount of money off when you make a purchase over a certain amount.
We have been known to even complain to get money off our purchases of goods and services.
Don’t immediately purchase something when it releases
A lot of people fear missing out when they don’t own something as soon as it releases. This can be true for a new smartphone, a video game, or even clothing. Unfortunately, buying something so early always results in you paying the full price unless you have a discount saved up for it. As such, we highly recommend that you always avoid buying something the moment it releases. We know that FOMO can convince you to buy something early, but it’s important that you try and hold back those feelings. It can help you save a surprising amount of money in the long run!
Depending on the item, waiting just a few weeks or months is enough to see the price drop a little. Some items like an Apple smartphone won’t go down in price no matter how long you wait, but some things may line up with seasonal discounts and holiday deals which usually mean a small discount even for the newest items.
Pinching pennies will help you save a lot of money over time and one of the easiest ways to do this is just to avoid paying full. If something is listed at its retail price, then there are probably plenty of ways to lower it using a combination of discounts or buying used and refurbished. These are great shopping tips which you will find useful over and over again.
Kim Carberry says
Great tips. I am all for saving a bit of money.
I love buying second hand especially when it saves me lots of money. I got a cross trainer and a treadmill over the last month and only paid £15 for each from our local auction. They’re 2nd hand but work perfectly.
I always check for voucher codes when buying online even if it’s for supermarkets. x
Kim Carberry recently posted…Losing touch with childhood friends.