As the Season of love continues and we share with some of the UK Money bloggers about insights on love and money for Valentines Day, today is the turn of Emma, the author behind the blog BeeMoneySavvy.
See our chats with some of the UK’s best money bloggers who give their insights on love and money
Or Goren chats about his childhood re valentines day
Lady Janey, the consumer expert tells it as it is
We asked Emma a few questions to get her views and experiences on love and money. The questions and her responses are below.
What do you think about getting children involved in Valentines Day? ie. Gifting them or giving them cards and expecting them to do the same, for example.
I personally believe that getting kids involved in Valentine’s Day is great! The occasion is an opportunity to express your feelings. Am I right? My family has never taken Valentine’s day that seriously, but use it as another day to show our appreciation for each other. Encouraging your kids to show their gratitude for friends and family is surely a very positive thing!
What are your views on your significant other’s spending habits at Valentines?
My partner knows that I’m not materialistic and that I wouldn’t be happy if she spent a lot on me for Valentine’s Day. Having a meal cooked for me or receiving a handwritten note would be the perfect Valentine’s gifts and my partner happens to be a great writer and cook so she doesn’t have to spend much to be in the Valentine’s Day good books!
Do you think couples should agree on a spending limit for valentines? Why or why not?
While I love any occasion to celebrate and treat my partner, I am hyper-aware that Valentine’s Day is a £1bn industry and it pains me that Valentine’s Day is so often exploited for profit! My partner and I agree on a spending limit for Christmas but for valentine’s day, the agreement is more that we treat each other with experiences (running the bath/giving a back massage/cooking a meal) rather than gifts. It keeps the cost down and feels more meaningful!
What’s your view on the statement that men are rubbish at choosing/buying proper Valentine’s gifts?
In my experience, men tend to be less organised than women. The men in my life usually leave gift buying/planning until the last minute and then end up panic buying something that they haven’t given much thought to.
ADVICE TO MEN: More planning, less panicking!
Whereas Valentine’s Day seems to be etched in a woman’s brain, so they get ahead of the planning for the perfect gift/loving gesture.
ADVICE TO WOMEN: Remind the men in your life that Valentine’s Day is coming up and give your significant other a clue as to your expectations (let them know that you’d like to go out/stay in/give gifts/etc.)
Now the Fun Bit with your insights on love and money
Tell us about the most rubbish valentine gift you ever got
When I was 17 I surprised my then-boyfriend by driving down to meet him after he finished college with the intention of spending the rest of Valentine’s Day with him. He loved that I’d come to meet him at college and introduced me to his friends, he then proceeded to invite his friends out for a meal with us. I spent my first non-single Valentine’s Day in KFC with 4 geeky boys who wanted to talk about gaming the whole time! It probably comes as no surprise that we’re not dating anymore!
Tell us the one thing (that money can buy) that you wish you could get for Valentines Day OR share a pic of something you want or plan to give this Valentine’s Day (family friendly please).
I wish I could get whisked away for a spa day this valentine’s day… but the budget lover inside me would also be happy with breakfast in bed, a romantic home cooked meal, or bubble bath (hint-hint)!
The hint is thrown out for you, Emma.
I love this chat from Emma. Sounds like a lady who loves to be pampered, but who is also mindful that it can be done without spending too much.
What’s your take on this Valentines thing? Is it overly monetised? How do you show your loved ones that extra bit special love and appreciation without busting the budget?
Thanks so much to Emma, and do check out her blog, and connect with her on Social media.
K Law says
Valentine’s Day in KFC, really? It’s the worst idea ever!
Joleisa says
Ha ha. A lot of people might agree with you.