Here is another in the series of chats with UK money bloggers on the matter of money and valentines. So far, we have gained an insight into whether these bloggers walk the talk.
Today’s chat is with Melanie who blogs at Melanie’s Fab Finds. She also shares her thoughts on getting children involved in the Valentines Day celebrations.
‘To be honest I had never thought of this in the past although I know my children would love to find a [easyazon_link identifier=”B00AVPUC48″ locale=”US” tag=”joleisacom21-20″]chocolate heart[/easyazon_link] or something equally exciting or something Valentine’s related from mummy and daddy just for them. Valentine’s Day is primarily aimed at adults and I have strayed from the just from the path myself having had friends over for Valentine’s Day meals in the past with hubby of course. He isn’t romantic so it’s normally left to me anyway to cook a yummy meal. I look at Valentine’s more about celebrating those we love in general rather than just a partner. My children love arts and crafts so would love to get in on the fun and make homemade [easyazon_link identifier=”B009MPIJ4S” locale=”US” tag=”joleisacom21-20″]Valentine’s Day cards[/easyazon_link] for myself and my husband.
My husband is a bit unpredictable in that I never know if he will get me anything each year although last year I did get flowers – was slightly concerned by this as I briefly considered he had been cloned and replaced but then normal habits indicated it was definitely him.
On the matter of deciding a spending limit, I think couples should only have a spending limit if they are on a budget. Why limit spending if you don’t have to. On the other hand, I think once you get to know your partner you get an idea of the amount that you would need to spend. We all should remember it’s not just about buying gifts!!!!
When asked what she thought about the idea that men are rubbish at getting Valentines gifts, she said, ‘In regards to my man it’s pretty spot on, lol, but don’t tell him I told you. I am aware of some men having this mastered though although none have been able to train mine up for me.’
Related: Funny Valentines Tales
Fun Bit
What would you want for Valentines this year?
‘Would “nothing” count? Although to be honest I’d rather have a husband that looks after me, helps out throughout the year then just buys something once a year and then doesn’t bother. I’ve got a good one here!!! A chef for the evening so I don’t have to cook for a change.’
Thanks so much to Melanie for sharing with us. You can check out what the male money bloggers said about love and money here.
This post was proofread by Grammarly
Love this – focusing on love in general instead of a particular relationship is a great idea.