Hey hey hey! What a glorious day to say that our word of the week for this week is back! What a funny word too, to sum up, the week. Well, let’s talk about it. I hope that you’ve all been well. Today is a glorious and sunny day where it is expected to get to 34 degrees celsius and that is definitely a scorcher! We are currently sitting in Lookers Vauxhall in Birmingham, waiting on the car to complete its annual service. Of course, they are doing their best to convince us to buy or pay for other stuff, but we won’t. So we have two and a half hours to kill. So, apart from writing this blog post, I’ll also get some SEO work done and maybe start editing a video. All while sitting in air-conditioned comfort.
Back garden
This week was taken up mostly with doing a full renovation on the garden ourselves. Well, we did what we could and made the best of what we had. I am particularly pleased about some cushions that we did for the chairs and also for the garden loungers. I’ve explained it all in this video that will premiere today at 6 PM UK time. I’ll give you a clue: The remnant from that shower curtain turned wall art was used up. Pillowcases are also featured too.
We haven’t got any new flowers but we have done some rearranging and that has made all the difference. Sometimes that is just what we need.
Also, we were chosen by Ryobi to receive a really good heavy-duty pressure washer. We will do a review and add it here as soon as we’ve done figuring it out. It will come in handy to wash the pavers, the conservatory roof, and also large area rugs! We are well chuffed to have got it this week.
Back ankle
I’m not even sure how to describe the pain or where it is happening, but this week, both of us are experiencing some pain around our ankle area, mostly at the back! I’ve been using Ibruprufen pain gel to rub the area but it hasn’t seemed to shift it yet. I even feel it when I’m in bed at night. It’s not the plantar fasciitis, that’s much worse. I don’t know if it was caused by the gardening work we’ve been doing but fingers crossed it won’t be long because it really is painful.
Youtube live is back!
I’m not sure if I told you, but we had basically taken a social media break. We have slowly been getting back on and yesterday for the first time in weeks, we had a Youtube live session with our subscribers.
It was refreshing, funny, and gave us a real buzz. We definitely missed it and missed being with our subscribers. We call it our Happy Hour of the week. We hope you are able to join us some time too. It is on from Sunday to Thursday at 6 PM UK time.
The heatwave is back
Of course, this is my favourite season of the year, and being out of the house today has put us in such a good mood. Everyone seems to be dressed in their summer best. There are pretty frocks, skirts, shorts, etc. And we even saw some kids this morning having a water gun fight on the way to school! I know a lot of them are going to get in trouble today at school but hey ho, it won’t be me having to deal with it, neither as the parent nor as the teacher. Those days for me are over and that definitely puts a smile on my face.
Chicken back
We also had fun doing a BBQ where we used both chicken back and sirloin steak with our own mix to make a marinade and one as a dressing for the meats. There’s a video of that too, so feel free to check it out if you wish.
I hope you had a good week too. Enjoy the lovely weather as we will soon be back in coats and boots.
I know we didn’t get to post last week but I still checked on how some of you, my blogging friends, got on. I don’t think I showed you the dining room makeover, so here goes.
June’s best bits from last year
Today has been a gorgeous day and there was quite a breeze here so it’s been nice out.
I hope the car went smoothly through it’s service. It sounds like you’ve been working hard in the garden and how wonderful to get a pressure washer. They are very handy things to have.
I hope your ankle is feeling better and welcome back to social media. It’s good sometimes to take a break. x
Kim Carberry recently posted…This week my Word of the Week is: Jobs! #WotW
Welcome back. I hope the car service went well, we have ours due in a couple of weeks. They do try it on with getting you to pay for more than you need.
We had a lovely sunny day yesterday but it’s back to rain today. I didn’t do any gardening but I’ve added a couple of new pot plants, begonias.
I hope your ankle problems are due to doing too much work and that it eases soon x
Anne recently posted…Overwhelmed is the Word of the Week Twenty Four.
Hope the car service went well. Sorry you’re experiencing joint pain, I’ve had a lot of that myself recently. Hope you feel better soon. A break from social media can be very good thing but welcome back!
How lovely to spend time transforming the garden – it’s amazing how much of a difference just rearranging things can make. Hope your ankle pain has eased off now. The dining room makeover is great. Hope all went well with the car service. #WotW