Oh wow! Just wow! This time of the year is so beautiful. Nature right now is at its peak and the beautiful flowers all around just make the place so lovely and refreshing! It seems that many more people now are getting into gardening. We ourselves, fancy gardening a lot and find ourselves dabbling in it and really enjoying the process as well as the results. That is why, this week, we have chosen flowers as our word of the week!
Gardening bits
We have recently got ourselves some gardening bits to help us out in the garden. It does make life a little easier when you have some help. Talking about help, we wish we could find a gardener or handyman who can come in every once in a while and help us with the bits we don’t like such as weeding and bending low, (old age and back problems.) However, we have solicited help from gloves, secateurs, organic manure (chicken poop), watering can, planter boxes and containers, a garden toolset and a raised bed. The raised bed was bought during the lockdown and is going to have its first use this year.
Shopping for Gardening Bits
I find that the more we get into the gardening, the more we find that we need more things: trellis or stakes for this, more pots etc. And I have also found that although we tell ourselves ‘no more flowers’ just get the essentials and get back home, we are still making purchases of flowers and I’m not sad about that. They draw us in with their wide and sometimes wild varieties. The garden centres are abuzz with activities and I quite like meeting up with like-minded gardeners and chatting about our intended purchases. We recently ran into 2 ladies chatting about their plants and gardens at a garden centre. We joined in the conversation and before you knew it, one section of the garden centre was taken over by middle-aged gardening enthusiasts sharing pics, videos and phone numbers so the chat could continue. I tell you, this has become quite a social event and we love it! We even got some new subscribers to our YouTube channel as a result and we also have a guest presenter for one of our live shows!
So we brought home, some new babies yesterday and as of now, they are still in cardboard boxes waiting to be planted out. We are thinking of getting another, nicer looking raised bed that we can use in the front garden, in fact, we are thinking of making one ourselves. Watch this space!
Annuals, Hardies, Perennials
It’s only recently that these words have become part of our everyday vernacular. So I am encouraged that with this blooming hobby (see what I did there), my vocabulary is also growing. I don’t want to ever stop learning and with gardening, I still am! So this week we were on the hunt for mostly perennials. We want ones that will come back year after year, as we really spend a lot of money every year on flowers. We also make bouquets for inside the house from the flowers outside. Frugal, eh?
Favourite Blooms
The very first year when I made a fresh new garden in the backyard, I sowed some free wildflower seeds that we received from Kew. That first year, the garden was so beautiful. I don’t know how, but Cosmos was amongst the lot and it was such a showoff! I was delighted with it and ever since then, I have come to really love and cherish it. It, of course, is amongst the favourites and then others I have a poppy, a purple variety, dianthus, bluegrass, peony, dahlias and of course lots of wildflowers.
Indoor Flowers
You may know that in our living room we have a large shelf unit. It was meant to display our treasures and loved possessions. Well, I am pleased to say that it still does, but the majority of it is flowers, including sansevieria, pathos, Chinese money plant and lots more that I do not know the names of. We are truly loving the display.
It has certainly supported our mental well being and we think you would love it too. Give flowers a chance in your life. Thanks as always to Ann who allow us the chance each week to take part in the linky. Cheerio.
Kim Carberry says
This time of year is wonderful, seeing everything growing and blooming. I love gardening, I’m not great at it but I try and I enjoy it. It sounds like you have everything you need to do some gardening and I can’t resist buying plants and flowers when I am out. hehehe My dad made us some planters for our front garden and he said they are quite simple to make, it certainly was cheaper than buying them ready made. I have planted some wildflower seeds this week and I love them, we have then every year and they are always so pretty and you never know what you are going to get x
Kim Carberry recently posted…This week my Word of the Week is: Out! #WotW
Anne says
I need a gardener too, the men in my house tend to shy away from gardening which is such a shame as I’m sure they’d enjoy it if they give it a chance. I really wish I could, I know my Mum kept her garden lovely well into her later years. If I was physically able I know I’d be out there. It’s lovely that you ladies are enjoying your gardening and I have to agree, flowers always make you feel cheerful. My sister-in-law bought me some lovely tulips this week.
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Jane - Our Little Escapades says
I’m not very good with plants and gardening as I have hay fever. Our garden is really just grass. My mum loves her garden and plants. I think she would be able to have a good chat with you. Perhaps when I get older I will get more time for the garden #WotW
Louise (Little Hearts, Big Love) says
Flowers is such a lovely word for the week and it’s so lovely seeing them grow in the garden. I can relate to getting tempted at the garden centre! We had cosmos in the garden last year and I keep meaning to grow it again, the flowers are beautiful. Good luck with all your gardening. #WotW
Louise (Little Hearts, Big Love) recently posted…Friday Focus 20/05/22 – Memories
Joleisa says
Thanks! Hope your garden looks beautiful this year too!